Have You Been Sexually Abused by a Member of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and Washington DC?

You Are Not Alone – We Can Help

Clergy Misconduct Legal Help

Over a span of 80 years, more than 600 youth were sexually abused by priests, teachers, and other employees of the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore. The abuse occurred throughout the archdiocese’s 153 parishes, 40 elementary schools, and 18 high schools in Baltimore City and nine Maryland counties.

A Maryland Attorney General’s office investigation revealed that the archdiocese went to great lengths to keep the abuse secret rather than investigating and reporting numerous allegations and removing the abusers and restricting their access to children.

Considered pillars of the community, revered and respected members of the Catholic archdiocese repeatedly violated the code of ethics and survivors’ trust with the most heinous actions.

Nearly 150 abusers have been identified thus far:

  • Father Louis Affrica
  • Father James Avant
  • Father Bruce Ball
  • Father John Banko
  • Father Michael Barnes
  • Father Thomas Bauernfeind
  • Father Vincent Bechtel
  • Father Ronald Belschner
  • Father Thomas Bevan
  • Father Maurice Blackwell
  • Father Louis Bonacci
  • Father John Bostwick
  • Reverend H. Cornell Bradley
  • Father William Braun
  • Father Laurence Brett
  • Father Frederick Brinkmann
  • Stephen Brotzman
  • Father Wayland Brown
  • Father Gerard Bugge
  • Father Robert Callahan
  • Father John Carney
  • Monsignor John Corbett
  • Father Brian Cox
  • Father Charles Coyle
  • Father Fernando Cristancho
  • Father Robert Cullen
  • Father Joseph Davies
  • Father Richard Deakin
  • Father Alfred Dean
  • Father Donald Dimitroff
  • Brother Francis Dolan
  • Father James Dowdy
  • Father Robert Duerr
  • Father John Duggan*
  • Father Frederick Duke
  • Father Walter Emala
  • Father Francis Ernst
  • Father Luigi Esposito
  • Father Terence Evans
  • Father Alfred Ewanowski
  • Father Kenneth Farabaugh
  • Father Alphonsus Figlewski
  • Deacon Joseph Firlie
  • Father Carl Fisher
  • Sister Theonella Flood
  • Father Daniel Free
  • Father Joseph Gallagher
  • Father Joseph Gerg
  • Father Steven Girard
  • Father Mark Haight
  • Father John Hammer
  • Father Edward Heilman
  • Father Marion Helowicz
  • Father Joseph Hill
  • Monsignor Robert Hiltz
  • Father George Hopkins
  • Father Joseph Hopkins
  • Father Robert Hopkins
  • Father William Jameson
  • Father Albert Julian
  • Deacon John Justice
  • Father Thomas F. Kelly
  • Father Thomas M. Kelly
  • Father Joseph Kenney
  • Father Simon Kenny
  • Father Paul Knapp
  • Father Michael Kolodziej
  • Father Joseph Krach
  • Father William “Jay” Krouse
  • Father Joseph Kruse
  • Deacon Thomas Kuhl
  • Brother Xavier Langan
  • Father Michael LaMountain
  • Father James Lannon
  • Father Ross LaPorta
  • Father Regis Larkin
  • Father David Leary
  • Father Francis LeFevre
  • Father Robert Lentz
  • Father John Lippold
  • Father Robert John Lochner
  • Father Anthony Lorento
  • Father George Loskarn
  • Father Edward Neil Magnus
  • Father Ronald Mardaga
  • Father Kenneth Martin
  • Father Joseph Maskell
  • Father Benedict Mawn
  • Brother Constantine McCarthy
  • Monsignor William McCrory
  • Father Francis McGrath
  • Father Eugene McGuire
  • Patrick McIntyre
  • Brother Lawrence Meegen
  • Father Raymond Melville
  • John Merzbacher
  • Father Joseph Messer
  • Father Ronald Michaud
  • Father William Migliorini
  • Father John Mike
  • Father Jerome Moody
  • Brother Eugene Morgan
  • Brother William Morgan
  • Father John Mountain
  • Father Timothy Murphy
  • Father J. Glenn Murray
  • Father Alan Nagle
  • Father Robert Newman
  • Deacon Leo O’Hara
  • Father Garrett Orr
  • Father Henry O’Toole
  • Father John Padian
  • Father John Peacock
  • Father Dennis Pecore
  • Father Adrian Poletti
  • Eric Price
  • Father Blair Raum
  • Brother Thomas Rochacewicz 
  • Father Francis Roscetti
  • Father Charles Rouse
  • Brother Marius John Shine
  • Father William Simms
  • Father David Smith
  • Monsignor Richard Smith
  • Father Thomas Smith
  • Father Michael Spillane
  • Father Albert Stallings
  • Father Edmund Stroup
  • Brother Cuthbert Sullivan
  • Father Francis Sweeney
  • Father Alcuin Tasch
  • Brother Cuthbert/Joseph Thibault
  • Brother Thomas Tomasunas
  • Father Jerome Toohey
  • Father James Toulas
  • Father Gerald Tragesser
  • Father Jorge Velez-Lopez 
  • Father Francis Wagner
  • Father William Walsh
  • Father William Wehrle 
  • Monsignor Thomas Whelan 
  • Father John Wielebski
  • Monsignor Roger Wooden
  • Father Howard Yeakle
  • Sister Francis Yocum
  • Monsignor Henry Zerhusen

The archdiocese’s cover up and disregard for accountability has further betrayed, traumatized and harmed survivors, leading many to remain silent about the abuse they endured for decades.

Survivors of childhood sexual abuse often suffer lifelong anxiety, depression, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidal ideation, low self-esteem, nightmares, and difficulties in relationships and employment. Devastatingly, many survivors blame themselves.

The public outcry over countless reports of abuse by members of the Catholic Church throughout the country is prompting thousands of survivors to come forward and courageously tell their story. To date, the Catholic Church has paid more than $3 billion in settlements to survivors of sexual abuse at the hands of clergy and other employees.

At Clergy Abuse Legal Helpers, we believe that sexual predators in the Catholic Church need to be held accountable for their crimes and unconscionable coverup. We are working to do just that by helping survivors seek justice.

Maryland recently passed new laws eliminating the statute of limitations on sexual abuse. Survivors may now file claims against their abusers regardless of when the abuse took place. If you or a loved one have experienced sexual abuse by a member of the Catholic Church, please contact us for a free case evaluation.